$VER:Hej folk! Secretparten kommer ved at man trykker højre museknap... - Presence (04/07-1996) (hund. siger vov(hej)) --------> Hej til Kasper Hartwich :^# hund. spørger om hvorfor nørder lever af cola??? This was a Depth ... Dentro??? Nah... Well, anyhow, here follows some credits: Code by Presence GFX by Sanctum and Folcka Design + Lyrics by the whole Depth team Music by Cytron This is of course dedicated to Darkhawk of Iris, because we love him soooooooooo much. In fact we want to have sex with him! Darkhawk is soooo sexy! Darkhawk has good tits! Watch out for the following book titles out soon: Darkhawk på eventyr Iris i kødbyen Lasse får en ny trøje Darkhawk får venner Darkhawk får nye vaner Darkhawk på månen Darkhawk og hans nye venner vender tilbage til månen Hvordan jeg blev SÅ populær af Darkhawk Darkhawk og søn Historien bag Darkhawk og barfodsindianerne Og mange flere spændende bøger! We are sorry for the Danish text in this intro, but it translates into "We love Darkhawk" and we want to have sex with him quite nicely! Welllllll... MJ of IRIS is quite DRUNK... And so is Bifrost/IRIS... (and he does not want to leave... ;) The amazing quite amazing thing is that curt cool is acting that he is sober now, but he might not be now, as he is getting drunk too! -MJ Well... He is gonna write now: Well Dizy is on the keyboard ... i've just got a message for Hexar (aka Thorbjørn Henckel, Point a Trade Central): Dyp dit ansigt i arsenik og overvej bagefter om det ikke var det værd. Du er anderledes. Thats all, Bakerman is coming to da K now! Well, Bakerman here... Just wanna say hey to all i know; Olde, Mega Olde, Connie, ALL trade central points and the rest i forgot.. Letting the keyboard continue to Folcka: Folcka ... Graphics ... Me! I would just like to say "Some draw on paper and some do computer gfx, I eat PH lamps while I do both!" MHVXZ: Folcka ..... Now it's pressy typing... AARGH!!! They forced me to code this %*%^&# demo... But now it's all done... Hvorfor maa jeg ikke skrive paa dansk? Hmmmm... Well we have 11 minutes till deadline, so I'll just send some fast greetings to Blueberry, Lemmus, Mot, Swaxi, PainElf, Fairart, Wenix, and all I might have forgotten... Text restarts...