hey, guys n dolls !!!!! lean back and enjoy this scrolly !! this is the second defenders production called - one way dreams - (fuer die, dies immer noch nicht wissen !!! hehe) !!!!! and of course hooman is the first on the keys !!! in every scroller the credits were given first and so.....here they are.......... the unbelievable code was done by our coder named gresley !!!! the objects were made by spin and hooman.......... the wonderful and brainstorming logo was drawn by spin !!!!! the rest of the grafix were done by hooman who also made the lovly soundtrack you are listening to !!!!............ end of credits...... perhaps i should mention the rest of the defenders-crew. our moral-supporter is a guy named supply fox and black byte is the second musician in this new group !!!!! and now we have a second coder too !! greets to - creyon - so.... that was the first statement and now spin is comming up ....... oh !! ok !! now i am here to write another (stupid) scroller !! hehe now i will tell you something about me how i became an defender (hehehe)....... one morning during the hollidays frank and i decided to produce a game .... (frank hadn't a psydo that time . now he is called soda (hehehe ok shodan!) ( that game was the flop of this century... it isnt ready yet !!! ) .... ok frank wanted to code ( with basic !!hehehe ) and i should paint the pictures for this game... that was aehm so about 3 years ago ! but after some days frank had very much problems with his code ... ( what a wonder !! smile !! hehe ) so frank went to hotbird's logo ( today he is called gresley ) to ask him for advice ...... and after a time frank wanted to become a defender member as graphics !! but after i showed them a logo which i had painted, hooman and hotbird's logo congratulated me because they received me !! i was very happy !!!!! ( who would this not ?? smile !!!! hehe ) (gresley: jaja die deutschen und englisch .. hehehe) .. i was the third defender member and after some time i took supply fox with me to gresley ( i will name him gresley now ok ? ) or supply had get to know him in the school ..... i dont know it yet ! ( gedaechtnis gell ?? hehe? ) ok so supply fox become the next defender member ....... then the next musiker called black byte . he was in my class ! ok aber jetzt hab ich genuch gelabet !!!! before i smash the keyboard to gresley i will greet someone ...... ok greets have to go to : all the great codergroups and all members of the snoopy-box and spezial greets from me to einstein ( na wie gehts deiner snoopy ??? ) , sasquash ( hi !! na was macht die kunst ?? auch mal n dns logo gemalt ??? sach ma haste dich denn endlich mal entschieden ob du zu uns kommst ???? hehe ) , creyon ( auf das du wieder ein demo hast das du auseinander nehmen kannst hehehe !!!! ) , kalif ( was macht deine space rat ?? is dein spiel denn immer noch auf eis gelegt ??? ) , cyclone ( hi ! wie gehts ?? hab schon lang nicht mehr angerufen gell !! das is halt dumm ... meine eltern erlauben es nicht mehr als sie die erste telerechnung sahen !! (mist !!! ) hehe ) , frantik (sach mal lebst du noch ?? ich hab ja schon lang nichts mehr von dir gehoert !!! ) ....... und und und also jetzt reichts mal wieder sonst hab ich ja gar kein stoff (grins !) fuer unser naechstes demo !! also bye bye spin :-) bye bye ............... now here are some technical infos direct from the big boss ... also .. die vektor objekte werden realtime calculated auf dem screen bewegt ... die objekte werden natuerlich um alle achsen gedreht .. (wie sich das fuer eine echte 3d-routine gehoert !! ) .. der equi ist natuerlich auch realtime calculated und hoert auf den namen - puery - .. der source-code besteht aus 70000 zeichen in 3000 lines .. (booarhhh) .. soo un nu ? .. bei dieser menge an infos verliert man total den ueberblick ... also wer es oben nicht so schnell mitschreiben konnte .. hier nochmal die contact telenr.: 1.port (hst) : 0610188708 ... 2. port : 0610112565 ... so nu hab ich eigentlichalles gesagt .. na dann werde ich mal die routine den scrolli nochmal durchschieben lassen ... stop ... rewinding ... start ... ---------------------------------------- - the defenders are back - - with a new - - production called - - - - one way dreams - - - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- - this stuff was released - - on the - - 08th of august - - - - now ... here are some personal-infos - - of our group: - ---------------------------------------- --- hooman --- function: music, grafix age: 17 years personel top three: 1. --- alcatraz --- 2. --- silents,crionics --- 3. --- phenomena --- --- gresley --- function: coding, modemswapping co-sysop age: 17 years special topics: tuning computers personal greetings went to: captain bifat (tek) smurf (subzero) creyon (dns !!) --- spin --- function: grafik age: 17 years top three of graphics: 1. --- pgcs --- 2. --- uno --- 3. --- fox --- --- black or byte --- function: muzaks age: 16 years special topics: playing synti message: watch out for forthcoming dns productions including my music tracks --- supply fox --- function: moral support age: 17 years special topics: dancing playing: dungens and dragons shadow run warhammer 40000 ....... ---------------------------------------- - if you want to contact us then call - - the german defenders hq : - - - - snoopy - - 49-0610188708 hst - - 49-0610112565 - - !! only legal contacts !! - ---------------------------------------- hi !! now i (gresley) want to spread out some messages in this great production ... first i want to thank all the people who had contact us after the first production called: spread it ... spezial message to: red hawk - shodan close your eyes and you will see the next - the dynamics - production hoehoehoe now i will change the subject to ... ich will wieder deutsch sprechen ... diese wunderschoene sprache .. laber .. aber duch die leichte entzweibarkeit der menschlichen einheit, werden die unmaechtigen dieser zeit, ohne ruecksicht auf deren sozialen umfeld, in die imperialistischen gitter der geselschaft gepresst ... uahh die wollen mich hier vom keyboard weg haben .. uahh nein .. (kaempf) ... hallo leute !!! jetzt hab ich mir die keys gekrallt !! tut mir schrecklich sorry ! aber gresley hatte heute 5 stunden deutsch ( nicht unbeschadet wie ich feststellen muss !!) gehabt !! ok .. and now .......... the g r e e t i n g s !!!!! ---------------------------------------- - abyss, addonic, alcatraz, analog, - - anarchy, andromeda, anthrox, aurora, - - brainstrom, cave, complex, crionics, - - cytax, defcon 1, dual crew, elysion, - - eoc 1999, eric schwarz, fairlight, - - flash productions, image, kefrens, - - paradox, paralax, phenomena, ... - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- - rebels, reflect, sanity, scoopex, - - scream, shining 8, silents, sonic, - - static bytes, subzero, tek, trsi - - - - to be completed soon ... - - - - - ---------------------------------------- dddd n n ssssss d d n n n s d d n n n s d d n n n ssss d d n n n s d d n n n s ddddd n nn sssssss (c) 1992