failfailfailfailfailfailfail this is the Fractal routine here LAMERS yo dudes !!!!!! neat * fractal * here or what !!! well 1st instructions!!!!!! 1. press t for top view ie. furthest view out !!!! press tab key for color cycling and press f10 to exit !!!! well now that you are familiar with that you can enjoy this fractal !!!! 3.8 / different possible views wowza !! well . . . arhhhh have fun cya yo asterix here rapping my fingars on the board very boring first i would like to say hi to a few things to dr. awesome crusaders thanks for the little chat a few weeks ago !!!!! reflex of zero defects i havent herd from you in a while have you lost the address if so then grab a pen and write it down now !!!!! 45 nerida way parkwood 6155 perth western australia or phone 61 9 4578463 as for shane you know !!!!!! also any other cool people out who want to contact me then also write to that address legal stuff only !!!!! and no lamers !!!!! also a message to a perth homie .... joanna !!!! i'll make a graphix artist out of you yet ... (showbiz * quasar .... yo how is it going !!) .. later freaks ........