Ya mannnn You a lamer yes we now Bobdemo errrhhhh big deal ehh! ok dudes press the rightmouse button to see next animation bobs but just wait a while and watch these here yes no arhhggggg not another shit bob demo ok ok i know its not a new idea but who gives a shit its animating and thats what counts page flipping yes why not thirty kay each for ten frames or so i think ehhh bunga and a nice font scroll using the blitter barrel shift ofcourse hey the amiga isnt that hot you only get one and a half mega hertz for proccessor access to ram ahhh if only the bandwindth of the amiga would be around twelve megahertz ahhhhhhhhrhhhrhhrhrh pip well wow look at those well them funny bobs up there eip uip sorry erhhh aaa ferrr yuii sorry once more just a message to ya all metal heavy rock rock pop all suck shit but house funk hip hop dance are the best what about that song by adamski called n r g its hot and killer aswell ohh they are so ex mega def mannn if ya wanna know this is quasar talking here and if cops are reading this well then i hop you are enjoying it ohh just got a parcel from my friend over in newzealand his name is harvey good mate of mine hia harvey and andrew howza ya game goin mines goind a bit slow because of me making demos utilities and menu selectors and a diskmag program i am doin right now which is goin to be hot house rulez and so duz marijuana yeehhhhhhh mannnnnn lets get stones again ehhmm arhh ooooossssssch haaaaaaa that was nice mmmmmmmmmm hip hop is funck en hip and hop and def mate yeahhhh showbiz of dawn here this mega demo is the best piece of aussie coding ever made i know it sounds as if we are glorifying ourselves but have you ever seen anything better than our mega demo from australia pitty quasar did not put any other symbols in besides plain old letters that means i have to use many s p a c e s well i have had enough of this text typing so i am gonna leave you here