NOTE : TO THOSE OF YOU THAT ARE HAVING TROUBLES LOADING SOME OF OUR DEMOS THEN JUST RESET AND HOLD DOWN THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON WHILE LOADING ... THEN THIS PART WILL BE LOADED AND IT WILL THEN LOAD THE DEMOS FROM THE EXTERNAL DRIVE (DF1!) . IF YOU LET THE MENU LOAD WITHOUT PRESSING THE RMB THEN IT WILL LOAD THE DEMOS FROM THE INTERNAL DRIVE (YOU ONLY HAVE ONE OF THEM!) .... THIS IS BECAUSE COMMODORE DECIDED TO PUT CHEAP DRIVES IN SOME AMIGA MODELS .... WELCOME TO 'DAWN/ACU' MEGA DEMO 2 PRODUCED BY 'DAWN' NOTE..... DAWN ARE MEMBERS OF THE ELITE "AUSTRALIAN CRACKERS UNITED", BUT WE DECIDED TO RELEASE THIS COOL MEGA-DEMO UNDER THE "DAWN" LABEL .... IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE GREETS AND CONTACT ADDRESSES ... IT IT IN THE CREDITS PART ......... WE USE NO LIBRARY CALLS OR TRACKDISK DEVICE BUT ONLY OUR OWN DISK LOADING ROUTINES ...... ENJOY ALL THESE FAB DEMOS PRODUCED BY US CODERS -: QUASAR --- DARKSIDE :- WE USE ALL ADDRESS' $000000 - $07FFFE AND FAST MEM $200000 + IF YOU'VE GOT IT !!!!! I ,QUASAR HAVE BEEN CODING SINCE APRIL 1989 I STILL GO TO SCHOOL (YR 12) DAWN MEMBERS ARE -: ALIAS ,ASTERIX ,LYRAK ,QUASAR ,ROSHI ,SHOWBIZ , THE PINK PANTHER DARKSIDE (HARDWARE GENIUS) IS OUR GOOD FRIEND !!!!! IMPORTANT NEWS FROM QUASAR !!!!! OK I have here something important and real to tell you... in 1977 when I was 4 years old my parents & aunty in POLAND !!! applied secretly for the visas and other stuff like passports to get out of the country ..... they were confirmed and they were going to get them we were going to the USA but then my stupid mum ( I really do hate her !!!) called the cops and told them my aunty was escaping from POLAND!! so what happened ... they talked to my aunty and then to my mum my mum said no no I did't write that letter so after hours of interogation my mum confesed she said that my aunty was escaping from POLAND! but later the police also found out that my parents were in the game too!!! so they cancled the visas and passports !!!! All this was my mums fault .... I also hate her because of many problems I have with her at home!! OK so we had to wait 3 years to get another chance of getting those cool passports then we got em and we went to Austria for 4 weeks for a stay !! then we went to ROME and took a drive in a Merc.. to the Airport !!!!! we got on went to Bahrain for a few hours re-fuel point ( I can still re-member those Arabs ) then we went to Singapore boy was it ever hot there !!!! then to Perth via Sydney !! I learned English quite quickly (5 weeks) and I liked Australia !! got my citizenship in 1982 ......... and starded computer fun in 1986 on the C-64 !!! and got my Amiga on October 10 1988, at that time I knew assembly on 6502 (64 processor...) so I wanted to know 68000 desperately I bought a 68000 book about Chrismas 1988 started doing simple loops and things with the Aztek assembler !!!!! then about March 7 I got SEKA!!! yeahh!!!! I was happy !! made my first 'DEMO' in April 7th just a scroll and logo , copper etc.. and of course soundtracker music !!! then I coded like a mad man doing practicaly less than 4 hours of homework a week!!!! I did ok in year 10 average grades !! then year 11 ok grades there too!!! average too!!!! I could have got top marks if I didn't have my computer !! but errrrr I can't think of life like that !???? well now I think of myself of a good hot coder I have had no help from anyone!! and I didn't use other peoples source codes I just thought and easily figured out things !! unlike some local coders around here !!! Perth !! There are only 3 or so good coders here in Perth!! Me 'Quasar' 'Raistlin - Brett' and 'Zaphod' an experienced adult programmer that has a huge backround in lots of languages and thats about all the others are just starting out with scrollers and bitplanes they are just begginers !! ..................... Yo Saddam Hussein howz ya country !! hahhahaha all ya have to do is send a oil tanker close to the US ships and blow it up BOOOMMM come on we all know world war III is gonna start NOSTRADAMUS has predicted all this will start in the Middle East !!! and he also said the big NUKE wa will start in 1999 July 17 (after my birthday??) well if ya don't believe my then go to a library and get a book on him !!!! you'll be amazed !!! gotta go now to watch the news on IRAQ !! see yahhh!!! bye......................... WILD PONG ZEE FRACTAL SINUS DOTSA WAKY BOBS PROFILE DEMO! THE REAL 3D CREDITS!