- = .A.N.T.H.R.O.X. = - ------------------------- - .C.R.I.M.E.W.A.T.C.H. .U.K. - ---------------------------------- Presents: Super Stardust Micro-Trainer Trained By Mars Bar On 02-11-94 Cracked by MoK/Prestige Unlimited Lives ...................................... Unlimited Energy ..................................... Unlimited Time ....................................... Unlimited Shield ..................................... -*- START GAME -*- * THE CRIMEWATCH INCIDENT DESK * -------------------------------- SOAP CITY: +44 (O)946 823351 NOTES: The 'Special Missions' Are Not Trained, Ive Spent Far Too Long On This Game Already!! No toggle/refresh crap, does anyone actually USE them? If you select "Unlimited Energy", in the warp zones you will get unlimited lives but not unlimited energy... -*- Special Regards To -*- - Anthrox - Tension - O.T.T - L.S.D - Medellin - D.C.S - Delite - Starfleet - Neo