YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT, BUT MAGGY WILL BE OUT AGAIN VERY SOON! BUT WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF MORE QUALITY ARTICLES! IF YOU FEEL TO BE THE RIGHT ONE TO DO SOME NICE ARTICLES, DON'T HESITATE TO SEND THEM TOO NEO FOUR ORGANIZERS! ADDRESSES IN THE END SCROLL Y0h, this was my last production for Complex, as I left them to join Polka Brothers, as well as all the other active German coders !!! I hope you enjoyed this little production as well as I did it to code it. Before we go on with the scrolltext, I would like to give you the promissed addresses. So, if you have done some stuff for maggy, like articles, titlepictures, or cliparts, feel free to send them to one of the following persons : Mic Dair, Aki Sihvonen, Ruolankatu 24 a 31, 15150 Lahti, Finland or Hyde, Harri Hytoenen, Rakentajantie 4 B 21, 15870 Hollola, Finland ... P.S. : Cliparts should be drawn in Hires/Non-Interlace with only 12 colors. And they shouldn't be wider than around 300 Hirespixel. Bye the way, if you are interested in the sourcecode of this Intro, write to CRAZY CRACK, Boris Fornefeld, Schulstr. 12, 33775 Versmold, Germany and include $50 in your letter. But please remember, I am not interested in any kind of swapping !!! And here is some technical info : All stuff is running in full frame rate on a standard A500 !!! Only the poor A4000/40 owners will see some parts running in two frames, as their 68040 Board suxx like hell ! The transformating dotsphere consists of 4096 dots rotating around all 3 Axis. The textshower in the middle of this intro transforms 1024 points and calculates some Bitmapcubes in real time. And this Rotating Zoomer is 4*4 pixeled in 4 planes and full-screen. All these routines are mostly over 1-2 years old. And please remember they are non AGA ! For those, who are interested in it: The sourcecodelength is over 180KB !!! And I coded this Intro as a kind of homage for the best computer ever. (NO, NO I don't think of the C-64 !!!) But sadly, but true it is time to update nowadays. And you can be sure, I am really missing the good old A500 times, were there were really a lot talented coders, who tried to code off their soul !!! And I really liked all these typical One-Frame-Routines, which often beated the power of this mashine to its limits. Yes, it was a nice mashine, were you were able to perfect the code, or compare routines with each other ! But nowadays all these things have mostly gone, as it is impossible to code a perfect routine for all new AGA-mashines ! All the new 680x0 processors have such a different timing that it is impossible to let a routine run best on all kind of mashines. And of course most AGA-Computer are not that much faster as they are expected to be ! Chipmem is still much too slow. The Blitter didn't become real faster. The new graphic-modes aren't that cool as they are claimed out to be, there is for example no Chunky mode ! The A1200 without any Fastmem and only a 14Mhz 68020 is simply a joke. The A4000/30 (My mashine) is far too slow compared with its price. And even the speed of the so called Fast(?)Ram sucks on all A4000. The IDE-Controller is too incompatible. Segate HDs are so damned sh....UHPS... !!! Everything seems to be produced as cheap as possible. And quality is for the toilet. The design of the A4000 is typical Commodore-like, with other words totally unprofessional. Some examples : Have you ever tried to open your A4000 ? Have you ever installed a second diskdrive in it ? Have you watched the diskdrive LEDs ? Who was so stupid to put the Keyboard-connect on the backside ? Or who was so stupid to put so damned short cables on the keyboard ? Who designed the mouse/joystick-ports so far away from the user ? Have you ever tried to put a disk into your second drive ? You have to put away the keyboard first ! And I am sure everybody switched at least once his computer off, when he wanted to exchange a disk ! With other words AGA-mashines are CRAP...CRAP...CRAP... That's my opinion !!! I am sure you might have another. But a matter of fact is that the Amiga is still the best computer and it is real fun to work with it. As you won't waste all your time to install/configurate/setup your computer, if you only want to run another program ! But against all my doubts, I still started to code some new Demo-parts for AGA. And all in all, most of them look pretty nice (in my eyes !) And I am sure you can do nearly as powerful Bitmap-routines on AGA, without any Chunky-mode, as on the PC. Of cource you will need a compareable processor in your mashine and that's the point. You can't compare an A1200 with an i486DX2-66 ISA !!! So wake up and buy a cool turbocard with real fast RAM or watch PC-Demos on an 286, hehehe.... !!! Anyways... I think it's time for greetings.... My very few special greets fly over to : RTD/Complex : Keep on coding ! I wanna see Bitmapvectors from you. And don't forget to buy a Pentium ! - Mic Dair/Complex : Don't drink so much !!! It only blasts your brain, hehehe... And become a group leader ! - Argon&Crash/Polka Brothers : I hope we will get more support in the future. Hopefully we will have as much fun on the Pentium ! - Zeque/Complex : Have you still coded something new ? Thanks for checking out this intro. I know that there are still some bugs on an 68040, but there is no chance to improve them :( - Mr.Spiv/Complex : Yoh, dute, I am not sure, if I will still develop the Trackerpacker in the future, although I have some more cool ideas to compress the sampledatas. But what about a Realtime-decruncher for your Stonecracker ? - Artifex/Complex : Were is the Logo...'s too late... But where are the game-gfx ? - All the rest of Complex : Complex suxx forever !!! But it was nice to be one of these suckers, hehe... - All members in Polka Brothers : Y0h Brothers !!! Cheese :)... - Detector/Platin : Don't get too lazy. Coding is more important than school. Look at me, hehe... - Virgill/TRSI : Your sound for this intro sucked, sorry ! - To Hintz and Kuntz : Hallo !!! - And to the rest of the world : Hey ! .... I am sure I haven't forgotten anybody, hehehe.... Shit...No more time to write... The deadline comes closer and closer. So I want to end here and tell you my last wishes : Buy a Pentium, because Punika rules !!! .... and I ran out of time .... ohh.... sniff !!! ....... THE CREDITS FOR THIS NON-AGA 40K-INTRO GO TO CRAZY CRACK FOR CODING, DESIGN AND ADDIDIONAL GFX, ARTIFEX FOR THE MAIN GFX AND EINSTEIN OF MEXX FOR THIS NICE TUNE.