phils philosophy... another demo from the british swapping syndicate. hi! this is phil typing... first thanx to all you guys for the kind remarks about my rgb demo, i was waiting for some one to give it a slagging but everyone was so kind and understanding i could have thrown up... haha! good job i didnt,, might have got in the keyboard... nasty!! o.k enuf about my first demo .. wot about this one? pretty neat i thought .... but everyones entitled to their own opinion and you can boil yer head if you dont like it... sprites up there? no chance! bobs yer uncle here matey... i wont chunter on about jerky bobs too much here .. but.. phantom fighter wins pudding of the month award cus of its bob routine..... this music, which was found on a soundtracker disk was remixed by grey! and myself..... at this point grey would like to say thanx to e.s.p for the jarre stuff....revolutions is one hell of a better copy. real cool quality, thanx alot.. o.k kiddiwinks heres the greetings... flatulent fanfares to .. ajax of the untouchables .. pete and co. of r.a.p .. comrade j and tiw of s.a.e .. megaforce .. e.s.p, guy and stu of b.s.s .. kev .. spirax .. jaguar of neon .. steve .. fred .... a special welcome to stu , who has just joined us in b.s.s.. hey! comrade j of s.a.e.. yeah, the r.g.b demo was coded on the monitor..... and guess wot? this one was an all!! just cant stand assemblers old fruit, never could....i used the expert cartridge to code all my demos on the sixty four and get this, years ago i wrote a whole game on the spectrum in machine code by entering the code as hex bytes!!!! think of it this way, yer can write yer demo and debug it at the same time! fun!fun!fun!!!! indirect position independant code etc.. hate it! anyway who gives a shit so long as the result looks like how it should... err, well thats yer lot for this scrolly... see yer later guys..... all coding and grafix by phil! of b.s.s.....