greetings are going to : anthrox , amaze , alpha flight , aofcf , accept , abnormal , anarchy , antegra , alfa crew , active line , annex , admirals , army , associated , awesome , addonic , brainstorm , bionic , byte busters , battletech amiga , chrome , cave , contrast , corps , cycron , cytax , coma , cult , cyborgs , cryptoburners , cryptic , dynamix , double trouble , desert rats , disaster area , dream , desire , defjam , d tect , exxon , endless piracy , elite , elicma , exterminators , euphoria , ensignia , end of century 1999 , electron , fraxion , frantic , flash prod. , freakware , freelance , genestealers , grace , gremlin , garga , genocide , guru team , gray , generation 5 , gemini 2028 , haitex , hexodus , hypnotic , ibb , inzzest , iris , imagine , jetset , katharsis , live act , level 4 , light , laser , mindkillers , muppets , midnightsun , mexx , majic 12 , mistral , mega powers , mayhem , masquerade , nikki corruptions , no limits , nasty devils , new exxess , nation , opium , omicron , protogenic , proton , prime , pussy , panic , paradox , paradise , prologic , prong , paralax system , pure metal coders , powerlords , paralax , quartex , road house , r.a.f. , razor 1911 , rydos , space cake , soft hack , state , scs crew , skid row , scoopex , system 4 , surround , softys , symbiosis , shadows , squadron , savage , strange 42 , suspect , supplex , spectre , sharks , strangers , travellers , tlp , timex , trackers , triplex , tfk , tsb , tgwl , treacl , tripton , the powers , the risk , taxon , tristar and red sector , tarkus team , the punishers , tension , trash , united forces , vogue , vega , violent wave , vision , vendette , voice , wizzcat , warp , whiplash , zeus ....... 9ßðföNu hi here is lom 1301 of <> with surprise pack 12 now some messages to risk of zeus i hope you like the chocolate , icecube of panic und wie ? , ribald of softys hi kleiner ( he he he ) , if you want contact me look in the cli for my address now some words about our advertisment mag that will be released in the near future by omc and shark of argon : your ad in the first three issues will be for free ! paint your ad with dpaint with 8 colors and a resolution of 640:190 ! or just note your text on a piece of paper and we will print it for you ! if you send a disk with your ad pic . you will get the latest issue ! see ya in my next pack