Trackers: Intuitracker 1.2 Noisetracker 1.3c Noisetracker 2.0 Noiseplayer 3.5 Protracker 1.1b Soundtracker 2.6 Startrekker 1.3 (C) 1991 By Aero! Rippers: Multi-Ripper 2.1 Saga-Ripper 2.0 Sanxion-Ripper 1.0 Utilities: Diskmaster 1.4 Masterseka 1.8 Mod. Professor Noisepacker Plst Creator 1.5+ Doc Files: Mod. Professor Multi-Ripper 2.1 Noisetracker 1.3c Noiseplayer 3.5 Noisepacker Plst-Creator 1.5+ Saga-Ripper 2.0 Soundtracker 2.6 Startrekker 1.3 ######################################## # # # Ultimate Tracksystem V3.5 # # Release Date 04-05 1991 # # # ######################################## ######################################## # # # Music By Dr. Awesome Of Crusaders! # # Coding & Gfx By The Master Of Aero # # # ######################################## ######################################## # # # Greetings to all Contacts & Friends! # # In some sort of alfa order # # # ######################################## ABAKUS................................ ANIMATORS............................. ABSENCE............................... ANDROMEDA............................. ADROIT................................ ANEXIUS............................... ATOMIC TEAM........................... ARGON................................. ADDONICS.............................. BYTE BUSTERS HQ....................... CAVE.................................. CYCRON................................ CHROME................................ CRYSTAL............................... COMPLEX............................... COMPTON GANG.......................... CUBE.................................. DRAWN X............................... DIRECT................................ DICTATORS............................. DRAGONLORD............................ DANIAX................................ DARK AGES............................. DOMINATORS............................ DOLLER X.............................. DEADLOCK.............................. DECCA................................. ELITE INC............................. ENIGMA................................ GULLY ( THE SPECIAL, QUARTEX )........ GEMINE 2028........................... GAMBLER............................... HAWK TEAM............................. JET Z................................. JOY BOY............................... JSON.................................. KEFRENS............................... LIGHT................................. MADONNA FREAK......................... MYTHOS................................ MARLEY................................ MEGAPOWERS (DK)....................... MIDNIGHTSUN........................... MAD FREAK............................. MANIACS............................... MADAME BUTTERFLY...................... MERLIN DK............................. NOLD.................................. NASA.................................. NITRO................................. OASIS................................. ODDBALL............................... PUSSY................................. PROLOGIC.............................. PALACE................................ PAU................................... RIVEL UK.............................. RELAX................................. SKID ROW.............................. SAVAGE................................ SUPPLEX............................... SPECTRA............................... SIDEWINDER............................ SANCTUARY............................. SATANO................................ TRINOMIC.............................. TRIANGLE.............................. TIMEX................................. TST................................... TROUBLE BROS.......................... TOPGUN................................ THE BASS.............................. THE BRAINS............................ THE BLACK CAT......................... THE STORK............................. THE FOX............................... THE COMPANY........................... THE DANISH VIKINGS.................... UFO................................... UNDERWORLD............................ X-RAY................................. ZENITH................................ ZERO DEFECTS.......................... ZEUS.................................. - All Time Greatest Members Of Aero: - ---------------------------------------- - Cyborg, The Master, Cobra, - - Slide, Phalcon, Gargoyle, - - Mick, Vag, Dosh. - ---------------------------------------- Contact Aero HQ At This Address! ---------------------------------------- - Aero, Poste Restante, DK-8800 Viborg - - Denmark. - ---------------------------------------- We Are Allways Searching For New members * ### ###### ###### #### * * # # # # # # # * * ##### ### ##### # # * * # # # # # # # * * # # ###### # # #### * * - FRIENDSHIP RULES FOREVER - * Yes, Yes, AERO is back on the scene with a new compact! Compacted on 3th of May 1991, by Cyborg & The Master This time we bring you - Ultimate Tracksystem V3.5 - . So what's new??? News on UTS3.5 is: ProTracker 1.1B, NoisePlayer 3.5, NoiseTracker 1.3C, And SoundTracker 2.6. We know that the Soundtrackers are obsolete but this one has got a few new and cool options!!! Well see for ya' self... This is perhaps the last time you will see this type of menu used on the Ultimate Tracksystem coz' I have promised Cyborg (AERO) to code a new and better one!!!!!!! It will be even cooler and faster!!!! Well as a closing remark i would like to say a few words about our party in January -91 coz' there are a lot of weird rumours going on, mainly spread by Playboy of Acid!!!!!! Well let's take it step by step! 1. The fella's who wrote the articles wrote that there where not enough known groups showing up!!!! Well, it's true but it was not our fault coz' a lot of known groups told us that they would show up, but they didn't!!!! So you can see our problem, or what??? 2. The party was badly organized!! Yet another lame rumour, the dude's who wrote it was some lame dudes from some lame groups!!!! Let's see if they can make a better party?? 3. We didn't call on people when the demo comp. started!!!! Well PLAYBOY of Acid, when will you learn to say the real thing!! you and the other freak where the first to sit down to watch!!! ( Weren't you lonely in the hall all by yourselves ( HA-HA ) Perhaps you found the key to unlock the door???? ) THE PRIDE Of Flash Productions didn't complain as much as you did, coz' he just wrote the real thing!!!! ( by the way Playboy, do you want to join Prologic coz' you lick their aces a lot.. ( Bvadr ) 4. I guess I don't have to explain anymore coz' PLAYBOY wrote one of the articles!!!! It's obvius it was a lame article with a lot of lies!!! Don't you know that 'Friendship Rulez'????? Guess not!!!!!! I think I have written a lot of text so i'll end it saying: Only The Strongest Will Survive And It Aint You PLAYBOY!!! The Master Of Aero Is Signing Off........... Always remember Friendship Rulez, without friendship all those lame rumours get started. So instead of trying to spoil the friendship, why don't we all give it a chance!! (Yes I meant you Playboy and you too Hawkeye!) Signed Cyborg Of AERO. ST-00:Intuitracker ST-00:Noise1.3 ST-00:Noise2.0 ST-00:Noiseplay -r ST-00:Pro ST-00:Soundtracker ST-00:Startrekker df0: df0: df0: st-00:R3 st-00:R2 st-00:R1 df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: ST-00:Diskmaster ST-00:Seka ST-00:Professor ST-00:Np ST-00:Plst-Creator df0: df0: df0: df0: df0: ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Professor.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Ripper3.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Noise1.3.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Noiseplay.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Np.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Plst.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Saga.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Sound.Doc ST-00:C/PP-MORE ST-00:DOC/Startrekker.Doc df0: