SIERRA WORLD - THE AERO DOC DISK III , MENU #1 - SIERRA WORLD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <01> Codename Iceman .DOC <22> Leisure S.L. 1 -Enh .DOC <02> Colonels Bequest .SLV <23> Leisure S.L. 1 -Enh .SLV <03> Qonquest Of Camelot .SLV <24> Leisure Suit Larry 2 .DOC <04> Dr. Brain Decoder .PIC <25> Leisure Suit Larry 3 .DOC <05> Dr. Brain .DOC <26> Leisure Suit Larry 5 .SLV <06> Dr. Brain .SLV <27> Leisure S.L. 5 Codes .DOC <07> Goldrush .SLV <28> Leisure Suit Larry 5 .DOC <08> Heart Of China .HNT <29> Leisure S.L. 5 Hints .DOC <09> Hero's Quest .SLV <30> Manhunter New York 1 .DOC <10> Kings Quest 1 .DOC <31> Manhunter New York 2 .DOC <11> Kings Quest 1 -Enh .DOC <32> Maupiti Island Hints .DOC <12> Kings Quest 2 .DOC <33> Police Quest 1 .DOC <13> Kings Quest 3 .DOC <34> Police Quest 2 .SLV <14> Kings Quest 4 .DOC <35> Police Quest 3 .DOC <15> Kings Quest 5 .DOC <36> Police Quest 3 .SLV <16> Kings Quest 5 Codes .PIC <37> Quest For Excalibur .SLV <17> Kings Quest 5 Map 1 .PIC <38> Quest For Glory 2 .DOC <18> Kings Quest 5 Map 2 .PIC <39> Quest For Glory 2 .SLV <19> Kings Quest 5 Map 3 .PIC <40> Red Baron .DOC <20> Leisure Suit Larry 1 .DOC <41> Red Baron Keys .DOC <21> Leisure S.L. 1 -Enh Codes .DOC < > ----> . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - R=READ, S=SHOW, MENU2 For Next Menu - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIERRA WORLD - THE AERO DOC DISK III , MENU #2 - SIERRA WORLD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <42> Rise Of The Dragon Hints1 .DOC <43> Rise Of The Dragon Hints2 .DOC <44> Space Quest 1 .DOC <45> Space Quest 2 .DOC <46> Space Quest 3 .DOC <47> Space Quest 4 Codes. .DOC <48> Space Quest 4 .DOC <49> Space Quest 4 Hints .DOC <50> Stellar 7 .DOC <51> Willy Beami Sh. .DOC <52> Willy Beami Sh. Hints .DOC <53> Willy Beami Sh. .SLV <54> Wonderland Map .PIC <55> Wonderland Map Data .DOC <56> Wonderland .SLV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Type 'MENU1' To Return To Menu 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------