ACCESSION AND SKID ROW PRESENTS: SOFT VIDEOTEX FINAL (16. AUG. 1991..) NORMALIZED BY DDT.. ORIGINAL BY MACE CODING BY STARBYTE.. MUSIC BY TRASHMAN LOGO BY ZEI.. DO READ SCROLLTEXT.. | Skid Row and Accession presents... Soft Videotex final! normalized by DDT original by Mace coding by Starbyte(thanks pal!!!) (nice)tune by Trashman commercial break... there will be Skid Row and Accession winter cruise party held sometime in December 1991!!! cruise starts from Helsinki(Finland) by the europes most luxorious ship to Stockholm(Sweden) and back. we will gurantee total satisfaction, all people will be choosen (no lamers accepted) by very critical judgement, so this will be real elite party!!! for further information, write to: Skandinavian cruise - Gunillantie 6 ca 12 - 00870 Helsinki 87 - Finland!!! this the party you have never even dreamed of it, so do not miss it!!!!!!! blah blah blah...