WELCOME TO THIS LITTLE MUSIC DISK CALLED EMOTIONS THE CREDITS FOR THIS PRODUCTION CODE SUDS GFX CALLADIN MUSIC FIZBAN THIS MUSIC DISK WAS RELEASED 25/3 1995 YOU CAN CONTACT US IF YOU WANT BUT I DO NOT THINK SO! THIS DEMO MAY BE SPREAD WITHOUT ASKING ANYONE OF US, BUT OFCOURSE TELL YOUR PARENTS FIRST... THIS MUSIC INTRO WAS FINISHED A LONG TIME AGO AND DELAYED BY FIZBAN APPROXIMATELY,30 DAYS 2 HOURS AND 43 MINUTES. WE ALSO HAVE A SWAPPER THAT YOU CAN CONTACT, BUT HE DOES NOT LET US USE HIS ALIAS RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE THINK IT IS WORTHLESS...BUT WE LET YOU KNOW WHEN THE TIME IS READY... NOW SOME WORDS FROM THE COMPOSITOR OF THE MUSIC... YOU MAY EXCUSE HIS WRITING AND CLOSE YOUR EYES IF YOU WANT, AND IN THAT CASE, FOR 2 MINUTES 18 SECONDS AND ABOUT A HALF SECOND, BUT NOW OVER TO FIZBAN... Hello there lads! I am Fizban and all music on this disk was produced by me This is my very first relase ever... I started to write music in may 1994 and the piano was my favourite instrument by then but later i noticed that the piano was wery dull and boring i started discovered other intresting instruments. I do not like when music sounds NORMAL I like when the music tuches your feelings and you remember it as something special. I live in Kinna and I play both the guitarr and the piano, I play the guitarr in a band called Sugar bear and we play grunge. I enjoy almost anykind of music ­exept rap­ and I listen to a lot of klassical music and jazzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ. The tune Greece is not my style really but it is funny to do something differant sometimes, and I think it went quite well. The tune Time is my latest and it goes with the same style as Greece but it is not so extreame as Greece is. I am now working on Emotions 2 and i have lent a hi sofisticated synth ­SQ1­ to have the job done much better and faster so look for it and enjoy ......... THIS WAS ALL TEXT THAT WE WERE IN THE HABIT OF WRITING... SO JUST TAKE IT CALM TO THE NEXT PRODUCTION FROM US... I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE TEXT, WE HAVE LEARN FROM THE MASTER... PRAIZE THE LORD PRAIZE WALDERBORN!!! LAME ON FOLKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEXT IS NOW RESTARTING.....