ANONYMIA TOOLFORCE I 3RD DAY 1.00 A-MON 2.11 BITPLANEFINDER 2.00 BOB EDITOR 2.00 BOOT CONTROLLER 1.80 BOOT GIRL 1.28 BYTEHACKER 1.00 BYTEKILLER 2.00 CLI-TYPER 1.10 CLIMATE 1.20 DCS 1.00 DEFJAMPACKER 3.20 DIMP 1.00 DISKMASTER 1.40 DISKMONPRO 1.20 DISKREPAIR 2.5C DISKTYPE 2.00 DOUBLEACTION 1.00 FIMP 1.00 FLOPPY KILLER 1.00 FORMATTER 2.60 FRAXION RIPPER 2.30 IFFCR 2.00 KDV III 1.54 LABELMAKER 1.20 LHARCA 0.99 LHWARP 1.40 POWERPACKER 3.1T PPMORE 1.50 PPSHOW 1.00 SEEK & DESTROY 1.00 SETKEY 1.00 SHELL 4.01 SHOWMGM 1.00 SMARTDISK 1.00 SOS 2.00 TETRAHACK 1.00 TETRAPACKER 2.20 TURBOBACKUP 1.22 TURBOIMPLODER 3.00 TWILIGHTCOPY 1.00 UNWARP 1.40 VIRUS X 5.00 X COPY 3.10 AUDIOMASTER III 1.00 B.A.D. 3.15 CIGNUS ED PRO 2.00 COPPERMON 1.00 DIED 2.40 DOS 2 DOS 3.30 DRIVE DEFINER 1.00 IFF CONVERTER 2.00 IFF MASTER 1.00 INFILTRATOR 3.00 INTERRUPTOR 2.00 LAMER DEFENCE 1.00 MEMCHECK 7.00 MENUWRITER 1.00 MASTERSEKA 1.60 MULTIRIPPER 1.00 NEWZAP 3.25 QUARTERBACK 4.20 RESOURCE 4.00 RASTER LINE ED 2.00 RESIDENT RIPPER 2.00 SEKAGEN 7.00 SID 1.00 STARTREKKER 1.00 SUPERBACK 1.00 SUPERCARD 2.4B SUPPLEXCRUNCHER 1.00 SYNCROPACKER 4.60 TITANCRUNCHER 1.10 TRACKRIPPER 1.00 UBINSTALL 6.00 VIRUSTERMINATOR 2.10 run TFA:3RDDAY run TFA:A-MON run TFA:BITPLANEFINDER run TFA:BOBEDITOR run TFA:BOOTCONTROLLER run TFA:BOOTGIRL run TFA:BYTEHACKER run TFA:BYTEKILLER run TFA:CLI-TYPER run TFA:CLIMATE run TFA:DCS run TFA:DEFJAMPACKER run TFA:DIMP run TFA:DISKMASTER run TFA:DISKMONPRO run TFA:DISKREPAIR run TFA:DISKTYPE run TFA:DOUBLEACTION run TFA:FIMP run TFA:FLOPPYKILLER run TFA:FORMATTER run TFA:FRAXION-RIPPER run TFA:IFFCR run TFA:KDVIII run TFA:LABELMAKER run TFA:LHARCA run TFA:LHWARP run TFA:POWERPACKER run TFA:PPMORE run TFA:PPSHOW run TFA:SEEK&DESTROY run TFA:SETKEY run TFA:SHELL run TFA:SHOWMEM run TFA:SMARTDISK run TFA:SOS run TFA:TETRAHACK run TFA:TETRAPACKER run TFA:TURBOBACKUP run TFA:TURBOIMPLODER run TFA:TWILIGHTCOPY run TFA:UNWARP run TFA:VIRUSX run TFA:XCOPYIII run TFB:AUDIOMASTERIII run TFB:BAD run TFB:CED run TFB:COPPERMON run TFB:DIED run TFB:DOS-2-DOS run TFB:DRIVEDEFINER run TFB:IFFCONVERTER run TFB:IFFMASTER run TFB:INFILTRATOR run TFB:INTERRUPTOR run TFB:LAMERDEFENCE run TFB:MEMCHECK run TFB:MENUWRITER run TFB:MSEKA run TFB:MULTIRIPPER run TFB:NEWZAP run TFB:QUARTERBACK run TFB:RESOURCE run TFB:RLE run TFB:RRRIPPER run TFB:SEKAGEN run TFB:SID run TFB:STARTREKKER run TFB:SUPERBACK run TFB:SUPERCARD run TFB:SUPPLEXCRUNCHER run TFB:SYNCROPACK run TFB:TITANCRUNCH run TFB:TRACKRIPPER run TFB:UBINSTALL run TFB:VIRUSTERMINATOR TFB: TFB: TFB: TFB: Hiho,Dudes!! Finally it's here! This is Anonymia ToolForce N.1! Guess who's talkin'... Yep! I'm Reflex of Zero Defects... I had the Hounour of introducing ya the last Anonymia Collection! I had to do this loader since a looong looong time, but, ya know, lazyness is coder's worst enemy... eh!eh!... Never mind... Go on with thy credits: Picking, Packing, Organizing by Kid Amiga/Anonymia Coding, Graphics, Sleeping by Reflex/Zero Defects Music by Flash Prod. (I Think...) Sorry guys, but you'll have to run certain progs from CLI 'coz of their structure... Ok,now ya know it... Honestly I must say that I don't like too much this kind of utility packs 'cos as told by someone... The best util/pack is yar HD's C: directory! Now I could send out some greets, but I won't do it 'cause this is an Anonymia Production not a Zero Defects one & for the same reason I will let Kid Amiga's text flow just right now... let's go pal! Yo! Kid Amiga is writing now this little scroll for this very nice (I guess) compilation. First of all I want to thank Reflex for his wonderful and 'neverending' work in the Anonymia group. Now some words about...some things that came in my mind: ...Hey guys is very strange to write a scrolltext now, 'coz today is Sunday 4:15 AM (Bloody Sunday...) and I'm just returned from a quite interesting party (nice girls,and good 'acid' music) I'm a little bit tired but...the scroll must go on!!? Anyway to bore you more here is the greetings list (In unalphabetical order) with some new people Greetings to all the Anonymia members: Fumini Cracking Association (Hey Guru! Are you back in the business? And please change football team:'La Lazio e' una squadra di perdenti!' Special greetings to all the people who are spreading our compilation and who made possible this: Dreams of power (Hey Marco:'Chiedo scusa a te come a tutti gli altri ragazzi per non essermi fatto vivo al piu' presto; mi perdoni?'), Masterforce (Hi Piero! Thanks for the Funzine's issues), Marcus of ICS (Thank you for the disks and for the nice 'midnight' talking), Mr.Illusion (Who is Perry Mason?), Datasoft, Xen, Sword Soft (See ya),Digital Sound Studios, Renato & Miky, Marcello I & II, Angel, Detection Mode, Kingsoft Microsystem (Call me sometime), Vic&Sons (Are you still living?),Emi (May I spread you wonderful Math's program?), Marco T.(Coming soon I will phone to you, so prepeare yourself), Gigi of the Power Hits Team, Giovanni (The KickOff Man), and last but not least all the great guys of the ZERO DEFECTS team. These were the 'professional' greets dedicated to people with an Amiga but now I wish to thank other friends of the everyday life (Is it pathetic?): Angelo DHJ & Arcevio (Hope that Siena bring luck to you, and please...don't disturb too much girls), the Spazio TV crew, the Gialappa's Band (Gialappa's 3:16), U2, Gaby Sabatini (Why you don't reach the final at the Italians Open in Rome? I was there...), my 3 little brothers, and all the other freaks I forgot... Now I want to speak about some my choose in this compilation: I decided to put in, the old version of the Diskmaster (1.4) and not the Paradox version (3.0) cause I prefer to work with the old one, essentially because it works in multitask and for example you can run the DSKM together with Virus X and at the same time you can execute other programs! Another my choose was to put the old release of the Bootgirl (1.28) instead of the 3.0 version, I hope you're agree with me... Oh No! I begin to have mistic visions (Now it's 4:45 AM), it's better to finish this scroll but before leaving you I want to give my address for software swapping and talking: KID AMIGA Via Della Stazione, 27 04015 Priverno (LT) tel.0773/911223... end of my transmission. See you at the next production, Ciao!!