yo yo yo amiga crimes presents new stuff credits for this piece of work mad max for the primary coding cybersystem for the copper coding the music was ripped prrak for scrolltext and font if you want to contact me call or write to rijnsburgerweg ag rijnsburg have you ever heard about the tnt meetings if you havent heard about this shit consider yourself very lucky because this must be the place where lamers are made not born boy are those guys laaaaaaame if you want to go to cool meetings go to the delcomp meetings every st and rd saturday in the poptahonk aart vd leeuwlaan å in delft you can also meet mad max psycho and me prrak there our memberlist is as follows prrak gfxswapping mad max coding psycho coding cybersystem gfx musaxcoding shockaks musax you too can be on this memberlist if you can either paint code swap or compose music do not hesitate and call this number now and ask for gerben have your credit card ready just kidding fuck ddf contact ultimate lameness ddf vijzelstraat scheveningen hey stash how about some real coding without stealing routines besides you can do lots better than ddl bye and remember tnt is the lamest