Page 1: Table Football - Target Renegade
Page 2: Targhan - Teenage Queen
Page 3: Tempest - Terres et Conquérants
Page 4: Terrormolinos - Think!
Page 5: Thomas the Tank Engine - 3D Snooker
Page 6: 3D Starfighter - Thunderbirds
Page 7: Thunder Blade - Tintin on the Moon
Page 8: The Tiny Skweeks - Tomcat
Page 9: Toobin' - Track and Field
Page 10: Tracksuit Manager - Trashman
Page 11: Treasure Island Dizzy - Troglo
Page 12: Troll - Turbo Girl
Page 13: Turbo Kart Racer - Twinworld
Page 14: 2 Player Super League - Typhoon
Screenshot of Troll
(Kixx, 1988)

Humgruffin the troll has been transported to a mysterious world called Narc – a strange land of crystal caverns populated by goblins. His only means of escape is to collect crystals. Each cavern has a floor and a ceiling, and by stepping on a pyramid, you will be transported between them. There are also magic holes which will transport you to another cavern; you can also create these holes yourself, and stepping on a toadstool allows you to change their behaviour. The first few times I played this game, I didn't know what I was doing. Eventually I began to understand it – and soon realised that it's not much fun to play. The music is very jolly indeed, but you seem to have little or no control over which cavern to go to when you step on a hole, so you find yourself revisiting the same ones again and again. The game is also very confusing to play when you are upside down on the ceiling of a cavern.

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Screenshot of Trollie Wallie
Trollie Wallie
(Players, 1986)

Wallie has popped down to the supermarket to collect his groceries. There are forty items on the list, but he can only carry five at a time, and has to stop at the cash desk several times to pay for his items. The supermarket consists of platforms, ladders, escalators, and lots of nasty flying creatures – it's certainly not your average shop! Sadly, the graphics are horrible and clash with each other, and it's slow and difficult to play, and you'll lose your five lives quickly. The music is well worth listening to, though.

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Screenshot of TT Racer
TT Racer
(Digital Integration, 1987)
Reviewed by Pug

A cheerful tune awaits you once this simulation has loaded. Navigating quickly to the main menu, you find lots of flashing options. Here you can do just about everything from customising your bike, tuning its performance, to choosing the track to race on. Your first attempts will always end with close studies of grass as you struggle to stay on the road, but with practice, skill and serious consideration of track conditions, etc., you will start to get the hang of things and catch up with your opponents. Once you master your bike, the adequate visuals and effects sit second fiddle to your newly developed biking skills.

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Screenshot of Tuareg
(Topo Soft, 1988)
Reviewed by Javier Sáez

The sultan's daughter is held captive somewhere in the Kashba. You play Yusuf, the captain of the sultan's personal guard. If you find her within three days, the reward is... the girl herself. In this complex adventure, your task begins gathering information, but this is only the beginning. You'll have to find where to sleep, eat, buy weapons and ammunition, cope with treacherous informers, make your way through hostile quarters (which means, among other things, becoming involved in shootings) and even steal money from peaceful people you come across. Sounds great, doesn't it? Personally, I find this game too difficult (the Kashba is huge indeed) and the gameplay a bit repetitive, but I also think it's worth giving it a try, so you can judge for yourself.

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Screenshot of Tubaruba
Tubaruba (Advert) (Advert)
(Advance, 1986)

There are silly games, and then there are really silly games, of which this is one. From what I can make out, you walk and fly around a house, collecting as much money as you can. The monsters you come across are truly zany and some of them are extremely fast, too! It's a fast and furious game with absolutely no time to take a breather; you're constantly shooting monsters and trying to dodge the missiles they fire at you. Cute graphics and bouncy music add to this to make one of the most bizarre games I've ever played!

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Screenshot of Tujad
(Ariolasoft, 1986)
Reviewed by Pug

This game sees you controlling a GEN 19 combat droid who has been assigned the task of repairing Tujad – the main computer. You explore the interior of the supercomputer in search of fifty pieces of circuit board that will fix the fault. Defence droids are on high alert though, patrolling the vast computer complex and attacking anything that moves. The GEN 19 comes equipped with several weapons (with limited ammo) that destroy specific types of droid. It's here that the game demands some skill as certain areas cannot be passed unless you have ammunition. The sprites move and animate without any issues and are colourful. The graphics and sound work well, resulting in a playable challenge.

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Screenshot of Turbo Boat Simulator
Turbo Boat Simulator
(Silverbird, 1988)

It's not a Codemasters release, but the use of the word 'simulator' is definitely misleading. You control a speedboat which has strayed into hostile enemy territory. There are eight levels, and on each of them, you must collect parts of a map that are dropped by the aeroplanes that fly overhead. You've also got to shoot or avoid submarines, 'planes and helicopters – if you are hit ten times by them, you lose one of your three lives. Crashing into the shore is not a good idea, either! The graphics are adequate and the sound effects are all right, although the music on the menu is fairly good, but it's too difficult to avoid taking hits, and the waterways are quite narrow as well.

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Screenshot of Turbo Chopper
Turbo Chopper
(Codemasters, 1989)

This game isn't bad at all – in fact, it's really rather good. Fly your helicopter around 31 screens, destroying bricks, tanks, 'planes, guns and other things. There are two types of weapons you can use; there's the standard missiles, and bouncing bombs – but be careful with these, as they can easily bounce back at you! You've also got to squeeze your helicopter through some very narrow gaps and be very precise. It sounds like a difficult game, but a little practice will get you through the first few screens easily. The colourful graphics and good sound effects help to make this a simple but addictive game.

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Screenshot of Turbo Cup
Turbo Cup
(Loriciels, 1988)

Endorsed by French rally driver René Metge, this racing game lets you get behind the steering wheel of a Porsche 944 and drive around four French tracks – Magny-Cours, Dijon, Nogaro and Paul Ricard – as fast as you can, and try to beat twenty other drivers. Firstly, you must qualify, and then the race itself consists of just two laps. Driving the car is fairly simple, although if you approach any corners too fast, you will spin off. Unfortunately only automatic gears can be used, but if you hold down the fire button, you can maintain your speed through the corners. The graphics and animation are excellent, especially when you crash, and although the computer-controlled drivers are rather unfair at times, this is still a great racing game and well worth a try.

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Screenshot of Turbo Girl
Turbo Girl
(Dinamic, 1988)

Another average game with a sub-average plot. It's the usual futuristic shoot-'em-up, and the heroine who's out to save the day is some leather-clad biker chick – well, the loading screen certainly suggests that. Waves of spaceships and meteorites come at you, but you've also got to negotiate the network of platforms, pipes and walls. The breathtaking graphics and the nice music don't cover up the fact that it's ridiculously difficult, and getting off the first level seems to be almost impossible.

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