
Galemu is a Galaksija emulator for the SAM Coupé. It emulates the Yugoslavian Galaxy home computer, a Z80-based kit machine released in 1983.

The SAM version was ported from Tomaz Kac's Sinclair Spectrum version, with the following changes:

Many thanks to Tomaz Kac for supplying source code, tape images, and technical help! Thanks also to Mark Boyd for his original display code wizardry.


Version 1.0, last updated 20th February 2007.

Galaksija Emulator v1.0 (79K)
Source code (github)

Also available is Tomaz Kac's version for Spectrum +2A/+3 and DivIDE/MB-02 owners:

Galaksija Emulator v1.3 [ZX Spectrum] (35K)


OLD = load from tape
RUN = start loaded tape
NMI button = hard break

Symbol-R = soft reset
cursor keys = joystick control


Boot Screen Tetris
Jumping Jack Galactic Rat