HONDA RVF Copyright ED HICKMAN 1989 TEXTK GT E L S T A R K G Kdelivers G K GR.V.F HONDA K K G KLatest gossip: G G G KLatest titles: G K G Kcan the JOKER find TELSTAR ? GBATMAN! _Howdy folks ! Another great product, brought to you by the magno masters of TELSTAR...... for contact just call 02550/31623 HOLLAND A Big Howdy to all friends and Contacts, and ofcoz my KIDS.... _ROBOCOP, Garfield winter's tail, G.nius, 1943, Jaws, Castle Warrior, Tin Tin On The Moon, Vigilante, High Steel,The Champ, Legend, Power Drome, Red Heat, Newzeeland Story, Barbarian II, Hard and Heavy, Digi Paint III, Dominators, Black Magic, Shoot em Up Kit, Alien Legion, Wicked, Phobia, Jack Nicklaus Golf, Navy Moves, Kult, R V F Honda, F16, Super Scramble, Thunderbirds, Kingdoms of England, Rick Dangerous, Planet of Lust, Foft, Xybots, Rambo 3, Chariots of Wrath, and that not all there is !!!!!!