..and welcome to:

The Not Quite
Unofficial Eurochart
- Issue no. 26 -
Brought to you by:
Static Bytes

Who copied the
most dragons lately,
and what 'stuff' do
the swappers prefer?

Read the charts
and find out!


Intro by various
anonymonous farmers,
among others:
Heatbeat, Robotnik
Toastmaster and Alex

Who dedicate it
not least to all
the beautiful
flowers of the World

Hope you like
the fractal trains
in the background!
Thanks alot to Chaos
for the formula!

Coming 'soon' from
the uncommercial
Disney-Band (tm)
" Undercover "
(The Album!)

Important message
coming up!

It's never too
early to prebook for
next year's chapter
of the neverending
Fishing-Trip saga!

Send a postcard
to the Ted's Farm
supporters' club!
Ronny Kravitz
Aakirkebyvej 05
8210 Aarhus V

It's all said!

# Ted's Farm #


..and welcome to:

The Not Quite
Unofficial Eurochart
- Issue no. 26 -
Presented to you by:
Static Bytes

Who copied the
most dragons lately,
and what 'stuff' do
the swappers prefer?

Read the charts
and find out!


Intro by various
anonymonous farmers,
among others:
Heatbeat, Robotnik
Alex and Toastmaster

Who dedicate it
not least to all
the beautiful
flowers of the World

Hope you like
the fractal trains
in the background!
We thank Chaos
for the formula!

Coming 'soon' from
the uncommercial
Disney-Band (tm)
" Undercover "
(The Album!)

Important message
coming up!

It's still not too
late to prebook for
next year's chapter
of the neverending
Fishing-Trip saga!

Send a postcard
to the Ted's Farm
supporters' club!
Ronny Kravitz
Aakirkebyvej 05
8210 Aarhus V

It's all said again!

# Ted's Farm #
