code by SPIRIT/DVS!.

  Please Note:-
 * I am not responsible if any of these Utilities
   are copyrighted, or registered, or cracked as
   I assume that the stuff is freely-distributable
   Public Domain Programs.
 * Utilities with Non-Foreign Docs have had all
   the docs nuked EXCEPT for the English ones.

I'm loading in my data

See you in a future Devious Tools

Loading in the main screen
Loading in the button bank
Decrunching the main screen
Decrunching the button bank

Can't make the temp file

Loading in the file

Sorry: Can't create the temperary file

Loading in the file


Reader can't find file to open

unlzx >NIL: x ram:lzx_file.lzx file_id.diz ram:

Displaying the File_id.diz


Sorry: no file_id.diz is available in archive


Can't allocate memory for file_id

   Please Insert Disk #1
   Please Insert Disk #2


    ::                     ___ 
    :: ____  ____  ____ __/  / _____ _____
    :: \__ \_\__ \_\__ \__  /  \_ ___\__  \
    ::/  / _/ _  _/  /  / _  _/  _/_/  /  /
    _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  /  /.
    \_____\__/_ \_____\__/_ \_____\__/_ / |
    * Welcome to Devious Tools Issue #101 *

AddDataTypes v41.4
Am Term v1.2cr (Broken Crack)
ANIMS Render For Producer
Back Chat v1.5
Beast - Koffee
Beast - System
CPU Speed v1.2
CXBar v37.16cr (Broken Crack)
Disk Safe v1.12
DMime v0.09b
Directory Opus v5.5 - New Icons
FastIPrefs v40.35
FEMail v1.3
Final Wrapper v3.13
Front Attack v1.0
GIR v0.1
Handy DMS v1.3reg
IX Guide v0.6d
Knack v1.12cr (Broken Crack)
Magic Web Maker v3.00cr
Make AmIRC Key v1.3
PC Tack v4.10cr
Power Manager
Power Speed 500
Smile Ghost v1.0
Smile Who v1.0
SWOS Hard Drive Installer
Voyager v2.16bcr

     Devious Tools Pack Credits:-            
     All Code By The Heavyweight/Broken
     Compiled  by Heavyweight/Broken
     Music By Tecon/Broken
     Graphics by Terminator/Broken
           Released in the Year 1997

        If you want to get previous
        and future packs, write to:

           The Heavyweight/Broken
           96 Robinson Road
           Morley  WA  6062

             Code Version:- v3.0

    Welcome to the help pages for Devious Tools..

On the following pages, it should explain
all the different facets of this program 

                   File_Id.diz Help
The purpose of this button is so that you can
see a brief description of what the archive is.
This will display the file_id.diz in the file.
 1] Select the file you want to see the file_id.diz
    from the index left-hand side. (The name of
    the file will appear be highlighted.) 
 2] Click on the `See file_id.diz' button.
 3] The program will get the file id and then the
    file_id.diz will be displayed.

                   File List Help
The purpose of this button is so that you can see
a file listing of all the files that are in a
particular archive.
1] Select the file you want to see the file list
   from the index on the left-hand side. (The 
   name of the file will be hilighted.)
2] Click on the  `See File List' button.
3] The program will get the file list. Then the
    file list will be displayed.

                      Extract Help
The purpose of this button is so that the archive
will be decompressed to any directory that you
have specified.
 1] Select the file you want to extract from the
    index. The name of the file will be hilighted.
 2] Click on the `Extract' button.
 3] A directory requester will appear.  Select the
    directory where you want the archive to go.
 4] The program then will extract the file to
    that chosen Directory.

unlzx >NIL: x ram:lzx_file.lzx file_id.diz ram:

Getting the file

Grabbing the file_id.diz

Deleting orginal LZX File

Is there a file_id.diz?
Sorry: no file_id.diz is available in archive

Showing the file_id.diz
Deleting the file_id.diz

unlzx >ram:filelist v ram:lzx_file.lzx

Getting the file

Getting the File List
Deleting the original LZX file


Displaying the File List


Deleting the File List


Devious Tools Greetings & Messages......
  FiRsT OfF AlL... I WeLcOmE YoU AlL To tHiS GrEaT
               UtIlItY PaCk sErIeS !!
 nOw sOmE GrEeTiNgS (nO OrDeR) :-
   - AlL Of BrOkEn..
bRuCe eSliCk - CoYoTe - TeCoN/DvS^ErEmAtIoN -
tUrRiCaN - dArKmAn/rAm jAm - DaRkSiDe - NeWt/cRuX
ShInE - dEcOy/pAsSiOn - DoMaIn/sAiNtS -
CuRt cOoL/DePtH - dIsTlEr - vC - lAcOsTe -
hElLrAiSeR/FuN - iAn - MiChEaL PaTrOn - KiMbA -
KiD - mUsE/CyDoNiA - nOoDdLe/
mIkO 63/iRiS - sAgE - rAsTa - WiZaRd/dEfIaNcE

NoP/SaInTs - KeViN UrEn - ThE RiPpEr/rOm tEaM
IcEmAn/sEcToR 5 - GhAnDy/gOdS - tIgEr/pRiNcIpLeS
.............pLuS ThE OnEs i fOrGot.............

Sorry.. I haven't implemented this yet!!!

But to get it to run from the harddrive :-
  - Just Copy all the files from the root
    directories of BOTH disks.
  - And assign the disknames to where you copied
    all the file to.
  - But don't forget to copy c/unlzx to your c: if
    you don't haven't got it.

This will be implemented later....

      What do you want to do with the index?

Allocating the memory required

DoPackIndex(): Can't allocate memory

Setting up the files

Setting up the files




DoPackIndex() - Cant allocated ptr memory
Getting index from file

Deleting the index

unlzx >NIL: x -m 

Getting the File

Making up the Command String


Extracting the File
Deleting file fom RAM:


OK.... Finished

 Now, please select which Directory to save the
 index into

Decrunching the Pack Index

Decrunching the Pack Index

Showing the Pack Index

Can't allocate memory for Listview

Can't allocate memory for Listview

        Sorry... Can't Lock file 

Can't allocate memory for Listview

Can't allocate memory for filenames
Can't allocate memory for Listview

-- Volume List --

Devious Tools Index
Devious Tools Index

 Sorry - I Can't Make up the Directory
  Maybe you spelled the name wrong?

  The Current Directory is :- 


    Please enter a new directory to make

           Press Yes to make the directory
           or press No to not make it.

Sorry: No memory for allocation
  The Current Directory is :- 


    Please enter a new directory to make

           Press Yes to make the directory
           or press No to not make it.