Spring Cleaning Released: 05 May 2001 Author: Scragbait (jackandlinda1@sympatico.ca) Description: A small 64 Brush Single-Player Quake 1 map for XeNoN's 100 Brush (V2) contest. I rushed this thing and what you see is what I slapped together in two evenings. Textures Used: Mostly HeXeN 2 (Raven) with some from Ogro and a couple from Dissolution of Eternity (Rogue) Credits: Id, XeNoN, Aardappel, Raven, The creator of the Ogro tex set, Rogue, Palldjon (for being my SPQ1 bud) Testers: Just me (no time :P) No one else to blame for QA issues. Good Things about the level: It's looks kinda nice IMHO - two more nights and it would look even better and I'd use the full 100 brush limit. It can be finished without cheats. All mechanisms work. It's a semi-realistic level that is unique in the construction and texturing. Bad Things About the Level: It was rushed and hence unrefined in several ways. Not Beta tested and not optimized for gameplay. No skill levels (boo.. hisss...) I'd say it's Normal skill for this type of map. No real groundbreaking brush optimization. However, it is cleanly built. Hints: If a door won't open, look around for any living baddies and send them to Quake hell. All doors work on kill counters and not all baddies are going to wake up and chase you. If there is a third 100 Brush exercise to be held in the future, you'll see this map again but in a finished state. As it stands now, it is not a bad map and should provide some fun. Drop me a line if you'd like to play a polished version.