01/01/2014 ========================================================================= Title : Conference of the Shamblers Filename : sksp2.bsp Author : skacky Email Address : skacky2002@yahoo.fr Version : 2.0 (see below) Tasked with retrieving a rune of immense power, you find yourself past the high ramparts of an elder city of silver domes, low courts and high belvederes to find what you are looking for. You have found a forsaken slipgate that brought you past its mighty defenses, but you know the resistance will be strong as you begin your journey into the inner city. --- Requires quoth and an engine with increased limits. The map was tested with FitzQuake 0.85, QuakeSpasm, DarkPlaces and FitzQuake Mark V. Note that Mark V had a tendency to crash at the very end of the map for some bizarre reason but this seems to have been fixed with version 2.0. --- v1.1 fixes the 3 night gaunts and the 2 drunk death guards on skill 1. Bad, bad, bad! skacky, more like slacky amirite? I also added more lights around the plasma gun so Vondur does not forget to take it this time. :p v2.0 fixes so many gameplay things it can be considered a new map altogether. The changes are massive and would be too long to list. Let's just say the map used to suck before. ========================================================================= * Construction * Editor : TrenchBroom 1.1.1 Build 368 / Hammer 3.5 Compilers : Tyr-Utils (v0.14) Brushes : 17728 Entities : 3434 (2212 lights) Build Time : Around a year, on and off (more off than on). Difficulty : Easy: 158 -- Normal: 224 -- Hard/Nightmare: 262 qbsp (oldaxis) : 1 minute 25 seconds vis (level 4) : 1 minute 9 seconds light (extra4) : ~18 minutes ========================================================================= * Special Thanks * Tyrann for Tyr-Utils. Kristian Duske for TrenchBroom. Kell for knave.wad / Kell, Necros & Preach for Quoth. Sock for his patience in teaching me the arcane use of monsters in Quake, playtesting and general tips. The map would not be what it is if it weren't for him! The awesome people at func_msgboard and #terrafusion. onetruepurple, vigil and Scampie for initial beta testing. ========================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright 2013 skacky. This archive may not be distributed commercially, may not be distributed in modified or incomplete form, and may not be distributed in any way that misrepresents its authorship. Aside from those restrictions, you may distribute it freely. I'm all about sharing so you can take parts of the source level if you want to, just credit me. You can also laugh at how TrenchBroom murdered my cave area with its impossible-to-align floating vertices. It's a wonder the thing compiled without any problems whatsoever.