Hmmmmmmm! The obvious approach may lead to dire plight, they'll need parsimony, accuracy, wit and might. (Scragbait - after dying lots during beta2 testing) ======================================================================== Title : Recurrent Rumours: regarding Azoth and the collection of undead bio-matter. Date : 06/06/2001 Filename : pdbq_sp1.bsp Author : palldjon brosche Email Address : Home Page : None as yet. Description : A "medieval" level (with a twist) offering a combination of open AND extremely tight combat situations. It is set after the death of Cthon but before the completion of Operation Counterstrike, hence the heavy use of "standard" ID texz. Additional Credits to : Scragbait - for support and input far beyond the call. Words are not enough buddy. The Lieutenant - for kicking my arse about gameplay during beta1 testing. Thanx LTH! Biff_Debris - who was still positive about the the level even after being pummelled time and time again during beta2 testing. Speedy - who drove at hard until a single run could be demo'd in 5mins 46secs and then told me some home truths about player motion. Hope you enjoy the changes you inspired! Tyrann, CZG and Glassman for helping me through that annoying EFRAG problem. Dedicated to : Dan, Dean, Doctor Dangleberry and The Fat Controller. ======================================================================== * Story ***************** Humankind has reacted quickly to the threat from Quake. A band of new recruits (equiped only with the basics left from stores) has been despatched to find and assist the lone marine who is storming the multiverse in an effort to stop the "Quake" threat. You have been singled out for a special mission. Rumour has it that Cthon was NOT the only Quake general building a power-base. Indeed, reports indicate that another despot is on the rise. This "AZOTH" is rumoured to have perverted a once noble place of worship into a collection point for undead bio-matter. Azoth's twisted geneticist are using this material in the construction of shock troops. We can get you to the suspect site. Verify the rumours! * Information *********** This is my first "full" Quake[tm] level. Recurrent Rumours is a stand alone level, but also serves as a trailer for the soon to be anounced co-operative mapping exercise entitled "Q-TOO: The Other Operation". Scragbait and I have been conspiring for some time: The background story to this mission is in its third draft, the mission scenario is finalized, the two episode structures are defined, the individual level objectives have been set, project personnel requirements have been established and the .wads associated with each level/episode are under construction, as are standardised teleport pods. Mods in Q-TOO will be kept to a minimum, but may include a stand alone sountrack (eveything since NIN sucks) and a "new" boss for the finale. Novice mappers should keep an eye on * Construction ********** Base : from scratch Software used : Quake (yaaaaaay for ID) Worldcraft with default compilers (thanx Ben) TexMex (thanx Mickey) MS Paint (thanx *cough* Bill) Textures : Original Quake texz (thanx ID) with guest appearances from Rogue, Hipnotic/Ritual, Hexen2, Kingpin, Aardappel, Lunaren, Fingers, Q2 and Q3A. Known Bugs : It seems one CAN breathe under water, I never worked out what the hell was going on with that one. Build Time : Forever, and a day. Solids : 2020 Faces : 12325 ALV : 140 Point Ents : 490 Solid Ents : 128 * Player Info *********** WARNING : If you are still running v1.01 or v1.06 then entities will "drop out" of the level. The level tested fine on v1.08 and GLQuake. PLAYER CONFIGS : Single player only, the next will have co-op starts I PROMISE. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : Enabled. NEW THINGS : None, apart from modified texz. * Starting Rumours ****** Unzip Rumours into your Quake/ID/Maps folder. Start Quake (best to allocate 12MB if you don't as standard practice). Start a new game. Choose your skill level. Once in the episode foyer, pull dowm the console (~) and type "map pdbq_sp1". * Legal Stuff *********** This level may NOT be distibuted for profit. If you wish to put it on a commercial CD then contact me. The .zip archive must be kept intact during distribution. *** End of text file ****