================================================================ Title : Ad Infinitum Date : 5/12/2000 Filename : lthsp1.pak Author : The Lieutenant Email Address : lt.hollers@technologist.com Home Page : www.geocities.com/lieutenanthollers Description : A small IKBase-style SP map. Additional Credits to : ID of course. Shambler for his superb reviews site. Mike & Jack for beta testing. Ikka Keranen for his IKBase texture set, the author of 'Rubicon' for some textures stolen from there, Xoltan for a couple of Fiend Hunter textures. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (Normal / Easy) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, one new model (don't go peeking in the pak file to see what it is, though) New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1, AdQuEdit, Picture Publisher. Known Bugs : Sometimes the air-chute doesn't work. Build Time : 3-4 days. Texture Wad used : IKbase, Fiend Hunter and Rubicon textures. Compile machine : Athlon 800, 128mb QBSP Time : 1-2 mins Light Time (extra) : 1 min VIS Time (level 4) : 6-10 mins Brushes : some Entities : 300-400 Models : eh? * Other Info * NOTE: This map comes as a pak file. To play, create a new directory in your Quake directory called 'lthsp1' and put the pak file in it. Run whatever flavour of Quake you use (GL / Win / DOS) with the parameter '-game lthsp1'. This is my second completed Quake1 SP map. I decided not to release the first one because I thought it wasn't up to standard. This may or may not be the first map of a series, so don't expect an impressive finish. R_SPEEDS - just to let you know, r_speeds reports 300-600 polys throughout most of the map, and 800-1000 in a few places in the hub. * Copyright / Permissions * The map and its associated bumpf (this text file, the rest of the contents of the pak file) are to be distributed intact and unmodified. Persecutors will be violated. Or something.