Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: monoplus.zip Short Description: A self playing Monopoly game to disprove mathmatics of Monopoly Long Description: Watching this video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubQXz5RBBtU I quickly found a HUGE flaw in their logic They use only 1 player, don't utilize any of the cards and there is no bankruptcy available either. So I set out to write a fully functional monopoly game and gather my own stats. I started with C# on a MS platform and worked on it for about a month before I decided I had something working. My stats are totally different from the video. The person that wins is the one that has the first monopoly and has the majority of railroads, as you can land on a railroad with every roll of the dice. I wanted to know how much of a problem it would be to convert C# to ANSI C. I didn't know of a C compiler for Windoze so I turned to OS/2 VisualAge. It turned out to be a whole lot easier than I thought. If you turn C# classes into ANSI C .DLL's you can call functions the exact same way in C. C# has a great feature and that is List. I created an identical List in C and made it a .DLL. I might also release the source to the C equivalent #C List for other people to use. After I got the Monopoly similator working in C and came to my conclusions, I wondered why I had to stop with 40 properties??? So I have extended Monopoly by 20 more properties. I have also added a Lottery game to the board, there are 4 different lottery games to choose from. I also figured out if the majority of players have more than $10,000 that there will be no winner and the game will go on and on. So I also came up with 2 different ways to solve that. 1) End the game at the first person to reach 10,000 rolls of the dice. 2) I introduced for players that have more than $50,000 in cash the ability to purchase an additional Hotel at twice the house price for the property, multiplying the rent by 5 times. A player with more than $100,000 will have the ability to turn 2 Hotels into a Condo at 4 times the cost of the 2 Hotels and multiplying the rent by 10 times. Other than these additions, the game plays by the official rules. monoplus /nodelay /delayms={} /players={} /nodelay turns of the delay if you are not interested in reading the results. /delayms=2000 is the default but can be any milisecond delay from 1 to 4 billion milliseconds. /player=4 is the default but can be any number of players from 1 to 4 billion players. All 3 are optional Additional switches: /turnslimit={number of turn till game ends} /totalhouses={ any number less than 2 billion} /totalhotels={ any number less than 2 billion} /freeparking={ pays amount for landing on} /freeparking=tax { pays all previous collected tax} /initialcash={ any number less than 2 billion} /turnsinjail={ any number less than 2 billion} /bailamount={ any number less than 2 billion} /salary={ any number less than 2 billion} /incometaxrate={ any number less than 2 billion} /incometaxamount={ any number less than 2 billion} /luxurytax={ any number less than 2 billion} /mortgagerate={ any number less than 2 billion} /forcedauctions=no turns off auction of unowned property /game=classic game play is classic /inflation turns on inflation when bank prints money I am in the process of turning this in to a host engine and writing an OS/2 GUI monoplus client that will connect to the host engine. You can have the host engine on a local machine or a web server for playing monopoly with any number of players from all over the world. Version 1.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inflation comes to Monopoly. In some circumstances properties can be distributed equally to where there can be no clear winner in the game and each player is paid more money than they lose on each go around the board. This can be solved by limiting the number of turns in the game(/turnslimit) or you can turn on inflation(/inflation) which the percentage of inflation keeps on rising when ever the bank balance goes negative and the bank starts printing money. Turn on inflation that keeps making everything more expensive to see how the player with the most assets when inflation kicks in, will benefit the most and win the game. Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/games/board Your name: Nathan Woodruff Email address: N_Woodruff@bellsouth.net Program contact name: (same) Program contact email: (same) Program URL: (http://www.os2developer.com/MonoPlus) Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 4.0/eCS 1.0 Additional requirements: None yet Replaces: