Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: mINI_1-05.zip Short Description: mINI 1.05 (1999-12-19) Long Description: Small PM INI editor for binary OS/2 INIs and Windows ASCII INIs with treeview, edit, view (ASCII, HEX), delete and Rexx code exporter. Provides quick access to all INI files. Freeware. This version mainly adds bugfixes, better and more flexible GUI, adding of data etc. English and German. Freeware. (mini105.zip) Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/util/config Your name: Martin Iturbide Email address: martin@os2world.com Program contact name: Kai Evers Program contact email: Program URL: http://batch0711.de/s.netic.de/warp_eng.html Would you like the contact email address included in listings? ys Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 4 or later Additional requirements: Replaces: /pub/os2/util/system/mINI_1-05.zip