Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: lxlite-ecs12r2.zip Short Description: LxLite for eCS 1.2 Long Description: lxLite for eCs 1.2. Allah knows why, but apparently LxLite is required to operate an eCS 2.x system. Documentation included. Perhaps first rename the existing UNLOCK.EXE to UNLOCK.BAK, and next extract this package in the root directory of the clean bootdrive of eCS 1.2. The eCS 1.2 directory structure may be compatible with other versions of eCS 1 too, but I cannot confirm that. Re-uploaded, because some unqiualified idiot still is executing the selfish programme to get rid of eCS 1.2 users, this time by randomly trying to delete an eCS 1.2 OS upgrade package. O well, apparently it's still a problem that the community is too large. Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/util/archiver Your name: A. Doff Email address: research@ziggo.nl Program contact name: (none) Program contact email: (none) Program URL: Would you like the contact email address included in listings? no Operating System/Version: eComStation 1.2 Additional requirements: Replaces: /pub/os2/util/archiver/lxlite-ecs12.zip