Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: Sslurp_2-67.zip Short Description: Sslurp! 2.67 (2003-03-18) Long Description: A mirroring tool. Retrieves Web pages from a HTTP (WWW) server; can be configured to follow all hyperlinks leading to other pages (configurable); images and Java applets can be retrieved as well; retrieved data is stored on disk for later viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy support; support for user authentication; automated (command line) mode; PM application; Internal filtering proxy (torpak2.1.zip) Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/apps/filetransfer Your name: Martin Iturbide Email address: martin@os2world.com Program contact name: Michael Hohner Program contact email: miho@nefkom.net Program URL: http://sslurp.mhohner.de/ Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 4 or later. Additional requirements: Replaces: /pub/os2/apps/internet/mirror/www/sslurp267.zip /pub/os2/apps/internet/mirror/www/sslurp26.zip