Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu =============================================== Archive Filename: PMMail_REXXSendY2K_1-95.zip Short Description: REXX Send Y2K for PMMail 1.95 (2000-01-02) Long Description: Rexx file to use as send to set date to 2000. By Default PMMail v 1.95x sets the date to 00 rather than something usable like 2000, this was ok in the 199x but in the 00's it isnt really acceptable. This edits your email before it is sent and changes the date in the header to something "usable". REXX Script. Freeware. (rexx-send-date-patch-for-pmmail-1.95.zip) Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/apps/email/client Your name: Martin Iturbide Email address: martin@os2world.com Program contact name: Thomas at Pepper Head Program contact email: Program URL: Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 3 or later. Additional requirements: PMMail v 1.95 or earlier Replaces: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/internet/mail/rexx-send-date-patch-for-pmmail-1.95.zip