============================================================================= PLATOON TC MAP EDITING FAQ v1.0 BY TNT TEAM ============================================================================= CONTENTS: 0: About this FAQ 0.1 Who made this FAQ and why ? 0.2 Where to get this FAQ 0.3 The Official Map Editing FAQ (Read this first !) 0.4 Where can I send my finished levels ? 0.5 What do I do with that NAMES.PLT that was in the zip file ? 1: How to use the cool military stuff in your maps 1.1 Weapons / Ammo / Inventory Items 1.2 Enemies 1.3 Aircrafts 1.4 Radios 1.5 Artillery 1.6 Antipersonnel Mines 1.7 Some cool sprites 1.8 Ambient sounds ============== ABOUT THIS FAQ ============== 0.1 Who made this FAQ and why ? This FAQ was written by TNT Team, the authors of the Platoon TC. We made this FAQ for all people who want to make cool maps with a military theme. If you have any questions that this FAQ doesn't answer, you can always e-mail us at tnt@mbnet.fi. 0.2 Where to get this FAQ You can get the latest version of Platoon TC MapFAQ from http://www.mbnet.fi/~tnt (The TNT Team's Website) 0.3 The Official Map Editing FAQ This Platoon TC MapFAQ only tells you how to use the cool military stuff (aircrafts, mines, radios and so on) in your maps. If you haven't made any maps before, you should get Jonah Bishop's Map Editing FAQ from his cool site at http://www.elitegames.com/d3dbuild/ (The Official Map Editing FAQ Homepage) 0.4 Where can I send my finished levels ? Well, at least we would like to see them. You can send your finished levels to tnt@mbnet.fi. We'll also put them to our web site. 0.5 What do I do with that NAMES.PLT that was in the zip file ? Take a backup copy of your old 'names.h' file and rename 'names.plt' to 'names.h'. After that editing is much easier because you know what the sprites really are. =============================================== HOW TO USE THE COOL MILITARY STUFF IN YOUR MAPS =============================================== 1.1 Weapons / Ammo / Inventory Items You can use these weapon and ammo sprites in your maps: Tile number Weapon Ammo M16 Rifle 21 40 M60 Machine Gun 22 41 M72 LAW 23 - Sniper Rifle 24 - Flamethrower 25 - Grenade 47 (box) 26 (single) Claymore Mine 27 - Shotgun 28 49 ( Devastator ) 29 - NOTE: You can't put any ammo packs for Devastator, Sniper Rifle and M72 LAW !!! Inventory Items that you can use in your maps: Tile # MedKit (+30 health) 52 Portable MediKit 53 Armor Vest 54 Steroids 55 Jetpack 57 Heatsensor 59 Trip Flare 61 Holosoldier 1348 Atomic Health 100 1.2 Enemies You can use these enemies in your levels: Tile Number Enemy (normal) Enemy (stayput) VC Soldier (AK-47 rifle) 2000 2001 VC Soldier (machinegun) 2120 2121 B-10 Recoilless Rifle 2360 - Kamikaze Vietcong 1680 - You can change the enemies' uniform colors by changing their palette (ALT + P). Palette number 11 is green and 12 is grey. NOTE: If you want to make a VC leader (the enemy that ends the episode, put a AK-47 soldier somewhere and use the palette number 10. That will change his shirt color to red) 1.3 Aircrafts Aircrafts are probably the coolest thing in our TC. Using them is quite simple. You can use airplanes in three different ways: 1.31 A "normal" plane which activates when player sees it. Just put sprite #42 (F-4 Phantom, drops napalm) or #56 (A-26 Invader, drops bombs) somewhere in the map, where you want the plane to start its bombing run. (The sprite looks like a small square, red or yellow) Change the sprite's angle to the direction you want the plane to fly. Finally, raise the sprite to the roof or the height you want. Remember, that the planes disappear when hitting a wall, so don't put any solid walls to the flight path. 1.32 A plane activated by a touchplate. NOTE: You can make these fly ONLY from the left side of your map to the right side, because the planes are respawned !!! First put a touchplate to a sector, which will "activate" the planes. Use a unique lotag in touchplate sprite. After that put respawn sprite(s) to the place you want the planes to start. Put them to a place where there are no obstacles in the right side of them in build. Give the respawn sprites a hitag (#42 for Phantom or #56 for Invader) and the same unique lotag that you used in touchplate. Remember to raise the respawn sprite to the sky. 1.33 "Plane respawner" This is a sprite that respawns Phantoms and Invaders randomly from time to time. To use the "plane respawner" put a sprite #2333 (a red thing) somewhere. Don't worry, you won't see it in the game. Because the planes are respawned they ONLY fly from the left side of the map to the right side. Once again, remember to raise the sprite to the height you want. 1.4 Radios 1.41 You can use radios to call in air or artillery support. The switch sprite for radio is #132, and also put some nice textures on the radio itself. Give a unique lotag to the sprite and hitag will be the sound number. (311 for the fire mission and 313 for the air strike) After this go to the section 1.42 for airstrikes or 1.43 for artillery support. 1.42 If you want to use the radio to get air support, you must put respawn sprites (which will spawn the planes) somewhere. See the section 1.32 how to put them, but note that the radio switch works as the touchplate (so don't put any touchplates) 1.43 If you want artillery support, put a masterswitch sprite with the same unique lotag as in radio switch in the sector where the first round hits. Put a squeezed C-9 to the same sector as the masterswitch, with hitag being the same as masterswitch's lotag. For C-9's lotag use 1065 for the first round and higher numbers for the other rounds. (This is the delay time for explosions) 1.5 Artillery Use this for enemy artillery. Put a touchplate to the sector that "activates" the artillery, with a unique lotag. See the section 1.43 how to put the seenines and the masterswitch, but the first C-9's lotag must be 163. You must also give the sector a lotag of 10310 and a hitag of 10000. 1.6 Antipersonnel Mines Mine's sprite number is #37, just put them where you want. 1.7 Some cool sprites 249 - Huey helicopter, you'll need a sound sprite (#5) with this. Give the sound sprite a lotag of 294 and a hitag for the sound radius (7192 is good for the hitag) 2622,2623 - Bushes 2620,2621,908,909,910 - You can make trees with these tiles 2310, 2311 - Smoke 1.8 Ambient sounds These sounds are the fire fight sounds that you hear in our levels. To use them, you must put a music&sfx sprite (#5) somewhere, with a hitag of 1 and a lotag of 231,232,233,234 or 236.(different ambient sounds)