Fusion v0.1 Beta Total Conversion for Duke Nukem 3D F_Readme.txt English version ---------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1.-SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2.-INSTALLATION 3.-STORY 4.-CONTROLS 5.-FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 6.-FUSION FEATURES 7.-KNOWN PROBLEMS AND BUGS ------------------------------------------------ 1.-SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Fusion needs at least the following PC configuration to run properly: -Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d or Atomic -Pentium-Class Processor at 75 MHz (Pentium 150 MHz rec) -12 Mb RAM (24 Mb rec) -55 Mb of hard drive space (for Duke and the TC, assuming that you will delete your DUKE3D.GRP file. If you don't do that, 70 Mb are required) -256-color VGA graphics card (SVGA PCI 1 Mb rec) -2x CD drive or Internet connection (for downloading) -DO NOT LOAD SMARTDRV. This can cause page faults in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.-INSTALLATION -> CD Installation: Put your Fusion TC CD-ROM in your drive and type D:\install.exe (where D: is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). Type in your CLEAN Duke3d dir and follow the on-screen prompts. You may delete the DUKE3D.GRP file, because FUSION includes its own resource file. Note: Fusion TC CD-ROM is only distributed locally. -> Internet Installation: Download the Fusion.zip file from any FTP server which contains it and unzip the file into a clean copy of Duke Nukem 3D. You may delete the DUKE3D.GRP file, because FUSION includes its own resource file. -> Atomic Version: If you have the 1.4 or 1.5 version of Duke3d, you must download the file f_atomic.zip or unzip it from the Fusion CD. Unzip it into a Duke3d Atomic directory with the TC installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.-STORY You are John Parsons, one soldier of the Space Marines Corp of the earth. After a lot of years of fight against the most dangerous alien races of the Universe, your time in the Military Service is gonna finish. The last thing is a pretty journey back to the Earth. Or maybe not? Something is going wrong. The radar is detecting strange objects flying to the Earth. When you see them closer, you are able to see what they are: Strogg spaceships. The Stroggs are an evil alien race that was exterminated by another Space Marine a long time ago. These are probably the survivors, that want revenge. You need 3 more days to arrive at the Earth, but Strogg ships, faster than yours, will be there in 4 hours. You think that the Earth is forsaken and nothing can be done. The human race will be exerminated. But when you arrive, you see that nothing has happened. One day after that, you receive a phone call. The Stroggs are attacking various zones, including chemical plants, villages, and New Madrid City. Looks like they are making bases to prepare an attack to exterminate human race. The army has been posessed by the Stroggs and now you are the only who can kill these damn aliens. Looks like you'll have to do a suicide mission... but you are the only fate. ------------------------------------------------------- 4.-CONTROLS The default keys which come in the FUSION.CFG file are the following: FORWARD: Up arrow BACKPEDAL: Down Arrow LOOK AROUND: Mouse STRAFE LEFT: Left Arrow STRAFE RIGHT: Right Arrow SHOOT: Left mouse button OPEN/USE: Numeric Keypad 1 JUMP: Right mouse button CROUCH: Numeric Keypad 0 INVENTORY USE : Enter MOUSE LOOK: U NEXT WEAPON: Right Shift PREVIOUS WEAPON: Right Ctrl --------------------------------------------------------- 5.-FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q.: The game performance is bad, why? A.: Make sure you are running Fusion at 320x200 pixel mode if you have less than a Pentium at 150 MHz ( I guess you knew it :) ). Q.: The sprites of the enemies size down when I see them. Is this a normal thing? A.: Most Fusion's enemy sprites are in high-res. This means that their size is at least 2 times bigger than the original Duke's enemy sprites. But, I really don't want you to fight against giants, so I use a function of the CON language called "sizeto" (you can see it in the FUSION.AI file). This function sizes down the sprite, but it has an inconvenient: the sprite sizes down when you SEE it. This might be fixed in the Atomic version of Fusion (if I finally make it). However, this "bug" doesn't affect gameplay at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.-FUSION FEATURES -> High-res sprites and textures. -> KillerHomer's animation method (only 1 angle, but super smooth animation because I can use more frames per action) -> Realistic-looking levels. -> Hard and intelligent enemies. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.-KNOWN PROBLEMS AND BUGS -> PROBLEMS - Don't care of how much kills you have made in a level. Some of the enemies are reprogrammed sprites that weren't enemies in the original Duke (like statues and barrels.) These enemies won't be added to the total kills of a level. For example, imagine that you have a level with one Yellow Soldier and two Coots. The soldier is taking the place of the Liztroop of the original game, and the coot is really the Nuke Barrel. So, in the level stats screen you will see "3 of 1 kills" if you kill the soldier and the Coots. Understand? Of course, in the Atomic Version this problem *MIGHT* get fixed. -> BUGS - If you hit the Tank Commander Boss with an RPG AKIMBO or RocketLauncher shot, he will bounce off the explosion with an incredible speed (however, he will take the damage of the rocket). - There is one "warp" in the 1st level of the 2nd episode. Near the castle is a hole on the floor that takes you to an underground passage. That underground passage has an exit that leads you to the castle. If you jump to the most left part of the exit (jumping towards, to exit the passage, at the same time you jump to the left) you will climb to the roof of the castle's walls. - I haven't found more bugs. If you find more, please report them to me at my email address. Then I'll sure fix them if I can. Thank You. -------------------------------------------- Roberto Diaz (AKA KillerHomer) rober17dm@eresmas.com See the FUSION.HTML file for other details and info about the TC. The Credits are listed in the CREDITS.TXT file.