====================================================================== Filename : 2BSHTGUN.ZIP File Version : 1.5 Author : Jonah Bishop E-mail : ----- Web Page : http://www.elitegames.com/d3dbuild Misc. Author Info : I am the maintainer of the largest BUILD FAQ around: The Map Editing FAQ for Duke Nukem 3D. Make sure you download it at the URL above. Description : This little package changes the shotgun in Duke to a double barreled weapon of power. The power of the shotgun has been doubled as well. It should be noted that the Pig Cops now also carry this weapon, so their shots at you will now do twice as much damage. The art has been taken from Doom 2. Included Files : 2bshtgun.bat, 2bsht13.co_, 2bsht15.co_, shotgun7.vo_, shotgnck.vo_, 2bshtgun.txt, tiles010.ar_ If any of these files are missing, you have an incomplete version of this package, and you should download the correct version at the URL above. Legal stuff : You can use these art and CON files in any form of fashion you want, provided I get the credit for making this package. If you repackage this software, please make sure that you keep all the included files intact. Thank you for doing this. Revision History : 1.0 - File is new. 1.1 - Revised the text file a little 1.2 - Updated the batch file to fix several bugs Fixed a couple of frames of the art Updated this text file 1.3 - *Heavily* updated the batch file Updated this text file 1.4 - Fixed a sound bug in the 1.3D CON file 1.5 - Fixed several existing bugs and added a few features to the batch file Additional Credits To : 3D Realms for making such a great game/editor Whoever made the DBSHTGUN.ZIP file for DOOM id Software for the shotgun sounds (I think...) ====================================================================== * Play Information * Plutonium Pak Required : No (But it is supported) New Art : Yes New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : ART came from a DOOM file Art Editor(s) Used : Editart, Paint Shop Pro Construction Time : A while Known Bugs/Problems : The ammo count does not come down by two when shot like it should. I couldn't edit that info. * Where to get this file * File location : http://www.elitegames.com/d3dbuild ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : UnZIP all the files from the ZIP file, and place them in your Duke 3D directory. Then, just run 2BSHTGUN.BAT. From there you can load, unload, and delete the software. Important Notes : I hope you enjoy this add-on! Check out the Map Editing FAQ at the URL mentioned at the top of this file! ======================================================================